Interdisciplinary Minor Program in Narrative Arts

The Narrative Arts program focuses on the creation of narrative art forms in writing, performance and visual production. Students select courses from English, Communications, Theatre and Visual Art. The program offers an interdisciplinary understanding of complementary narrative forms in contemporary media fields such as: screenwriting, playwriting, film making, stage production, set design, directing, acting, storyboarding, concept art, graphic novels and graphic illustration. These areas of creativity cross-pollinate each other in contemporary media.

Academic Catalog

View the Narrative Arts Minor Program on the Undergraduate Catalog

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Alumni Profiles
Beyond the Classroom
Fine Arts Society

This society has been formed for the purpose of further educating the students of Franciscan University through exposure to the fine arts. We will endeavor to provide opportunities for the student body to attend cultural/fine arts events off campus (primarily in Pittsburgh, PA) and promote on-campus fine arts events.

Austrian Semester Abroad

Grow, develop, and be formed into a more mature student by spending a semester in Franciscan’s Austrian program. You’ll expand your major in unbelievable ways by traveling to places such as Rome and the holy sites of Christendom, and through courses taught at a 14th-century monastery that also serves as your home.

Fine Arts Events
Department Faculty
Dr. Monica Anderson standing in front of a university seal.

Dr. Monica Anderson

Department Chair

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Dr. Jessica Ewell

Dr. Jessica Ewell

Associate Professor of Voice and Coordinator of the Sacred Music Program

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Profile of Amber Knorr

Amber Knorr

Visiting Instructor

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John H Walker

Prof. John Walker

Associate Professor

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