- Ph.D. and M.A., The University of Chicago
- B.A., Swarthmore College
- ENG 201 Literary Genres & Critical Methods
- ENG 210 Epic & the Person
- ENG 211 Lyric & Dramatic Voices
- ENG 227 Philosophical and Biblical Themes in Literature
- ENG 345 The Romantic Movement
- ENG 416 Modern World Literature
- HON 302 The Enlightenment
- Jean-Luc Marion, Brief Apology for a Catholic Moment. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2021.
- Jean-Luc Marion, Givenness and Revelation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Jean-Luc Marion, Negative Certainties. Translated by Stephen E. Lewis. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2015.
- Claude Romano, Event and Time. Translated by Stephen E. Lewis. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013.
- Jean-Luc Marion, The Reason of the Gift. Introduction and translation by Stephen E. Lewis. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2011.
- Jean-Luc Marion, The Erotic Phenomenon. Translated by Stephen E. Lewis. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2007.
- Jean-Louis Chrétien, Hand to Hand: Listening to the Work of Art. Introduction and translation by Stephen E. Lewis. New York: Fordham University Press, 2003.
- Jean-Luc Marion, Prolegomena to Charity. Translated by Stephen E. Lewis. New York: Fordham University Press, 2002.
Select Publications
- “A Fitting Receptacle: Paul Claudel on Sensations of God,” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 17:4 (Fall 2014), 65-86.
- “Contestation and Epektasis in the ‘Discussion on Sin’.” Analecta Hermeneutica 4 (2012).
- “Introduction: The Phenomenological Concept of Givenness and the ‘Myth of the Given’” in Jean-Luc Marion, The Reason of the Gift. Translated by Stephen E. Lewis. Charlottesville: The University of Virginia Press, 2011. 1-17.
Full List
- “A Law Without Flesh: Reading Erotic Phenomena in Maurice Blanchot’s Le Très-Haut” in Kevin J. Hart, ed. Clandestine Encounters: Philosophy and Literature in the Narratives of Maurice Blanchot. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2010. 119-155.
- “The Lover’s Capacity in Jean-Luc Marion’s The Erotic Phenomenon.” Quaestiones Disputatae, 1:1 (Fall 2010), 223-241.
- “Love and Politics in Wyndham Lewis’s Snooty Baronet.” Modern Language Quarterly 64:1 (December 2000).
- “The Modern Gallery and American Commodity Culture,” Modernism/Modernity 4:3 (September 1997).
- “Translator’s Introduction” in Jean-Louis Chrétien, Hand to Hand: Listening to the Work of Art, trans. Stephen E. Lewis. New York: Fordham University Press, 2003. ix-xxiv.
- “Claudel’s Way to the Inexhaustible,” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 19:2 (Spring 2016), 168-176.
- “Junípero Serra (1713-1784): Il padre delle missioni della California,” trans. Donatella Brown and Irene Sorensen, in American Dream: In viaggio con i santi americani. Genoa, Italy: Marietti, 2016. 87-119.
- “Mysterious Heart: Maritain, Mauriac, Chrétien, and O’Connor on the Fictional Knowledge of Others,” in Revelation and Convergence: Flannery O’Connor and Her Catholic Heritage, ed. Mark Bosco, S.J. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of American Press, 2017. 78-98.
- “Reading Textual Dramatics: Marion, Levinas and the Interplay of Affection and Reason,” in Breached Horizons: The Philosophy of Jean-Luc Marion, eds. Rachel Bath, Antonio Calcagno, Kathryn Lawson and Steve Lofts. London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2018. 109-122.
Department Faculty