Dr. Aaron Urbanczyk
Professor of English
Department Chair of English
- Ph.D., English, Florida State University
- M.A., Philosophy, Franciscan University
- B.A., English, Franciscan University
- American Literature
- History of Epic & Tragedy as genres
- Lyric poetry
- Literary Theory
- Contemporary Catholic fiction
Select Publications
- “C.S. Lewis and Literary Theory: An Experiment.” St. Austin Review 19.3 (2019): 8-11.
- General Introduction to Moby-Dick, “Race in Moby–Dick,” “Religion in Moby-Dick,” and “Violence in Moby-Dick.” Entries in Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature. Vol. 2. Ed. Jennifer McClinton-Temple. Facts on File, 2011: 759-763.
- “Huck Finn as American Epic.” Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Ignatius Critical Edition. Ed. Mary Reichardt. San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 2009: 379-393.
- Introduction. The Scarlet Letter. Ignatius Critical Edition. Ed. Mary Reichardt. San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 2009: ix – xix.
- “‘You have read this strange and terrific story’: The Epistolary Novel Monstrous Reading in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.” Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Ed. Joseph Pearce. Ignatius Critical Edition. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2008: 259-274.
- “‘In me many worthies recline and converse’: The Function of Melville’s References to Philosophers.” Essays in Arts & Sciences. 34.1 (2005): 75-90.
- “Literary Criticism.” American History Through Literature: 1870-1920. Vol. 2. Eds. Gary Scharnhorst & Thomas Quirk. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2005: 598-602.
- “Melville’s Debt to Milton: Inverted Satanic Morphology and Rhetoric in The Confidence-Man.” Papers on Language & Literature 39.3 (2003): 281-306.
Department Faculty