- DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (French) University of Kansas, 2000 (cum laude).
- MASTER OF ARTS (French) University of Kansas, 1988 (cum laude).
- DIPLÔME SUPÉRIEUR de Français des Affaires (Commercial French) conferred by examination of the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris, 1987 (Mention: Bien).
- MASTER OF MUSIC (Theory) University of Kansas, 1987.
- ADVANCED STUDIES (3ème degré) in French literature and civilization at the Université Michel de Montaigne (Bordeaux III) Bordeaux, France, 1983-84.
- BACHELOR OF MUSIC (Composition) University of Tulsa, 1981 (cum laude).
- PROFESSOR OF FRENCH AND HUMANITIES, Franciscan University (Steubenville, Ohio) since August, 2010. (Associate Professor, 2001-2010; Assistant Professor 1993-2001
- ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF FRENCH, Pittsburg (Kansas) State University, 1989-93.
- FRENCH INTERPRETER for the Food and Feed Grain Institute (a project of the U.S. Agency for International Development) at Kansas State University, Manhattan (Kansas) Summers, 1987-92.
- INSTRUCTOR OF FRENCH, Fort Hays (Kansas) State University, Summer 1988.
- INSTRUCTOR OF FRENCH, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 1984-89.
- INSTRUCTOR OF MUSIC, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 1982-83.
- French: speak, read and write with near native fluency
- German: reading ability, limited conversational ability
- Latin: reading ability, pedagogical competency
- AATF – American Association of Teachers of French
- AAUP – American Association of University Professors
- ACTFL – American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
- MLA – Modern Language Association
Select Publications
- Key Publication; The Wild Pig: A Bilingual Edition of Pierre Boudot’s Le cochon sauvage. Translated and annotated, with an “Introduction to Pierre Boudot.” Foreword by Raymond N. MacKenzie. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.
- Desire and Persecution in Thérèse Desqueyroux and Other Selected Novels of François Mauriac. Foreword by Paul Cooke, University of Exeter. Lewisten, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2007.
Full List
- “Images sacrificielles: Mauriac à la lumière de René Girard.” In La culture religieuse de François Mauriac. Ed. Jean-François Durand. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2008. 277-95.
- “Le sauvage et le civilisé dans les Lettres d’une Péruvienne.” In Continental, Latin-American and Francophone Women Writers. Vol. 4. Ed. Genette Adamson and Eunice Myers. Lanham: University Press of America, 1997. 149-55.
- “Identity and Marginalization in La vie devant soi and Madame Rosa (Romain Gary / Moshe Mizrahi).” West Virginia University Philological Papers 55/56 (Fall 2012): 96-106.
- “Some Allusions to French Literature in François Truffaut’s Fahrenheit 451.” West Virginia University Philological Papers 54 (2011): 95-100.
- “Martyrdom in Pierrette: Balzac’s Unmasking of Scapegoat Violence.” Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature 61.2 (2009): 91-102.
- “A Vulnerable Hero: the Priest in the Novels of François Mauriac.” Faith and Reason 33.1-4 (2008): 137-52.
- “Sartre, Marcel, and The Flies: Restless Orestes in Search of a Café.” The Midwest Quarterly 48.3 (2007): 376-89.
- “Thérèse and Anne: Mauriac’s Mimetic Rivals.” Romance Quarterly 48:2 (Spring 2001): 75-88.
- “The Chalice as a Key Symbol in the Death Scene of Atala.” Romance Notes 38.1 (Fall 1997): 37-43.
- Review of Pascal and Disbelief: Catechesis and Conversion in the Pensées, by David Wetsel. Review of Metaphysics 50.2 (December 1996): 428-29.
- “Dessein hagiographique balzacien: à propos de Pierrette.” Dalhousie French Studies 28 (Fall 1994): 87-97.
- “Violence and Sacrifice in Mauriac’s Thérèse Desqueyroux.” The Midwest Quarterly 33.2
(Winter 1992): 168-80. - “La menace du héros: à propos du Cid de Pierre Corneille.” Cahiers du Dix-septième 4.2 (Fall 1990): 141-50.
- “Pascal et le problème du ‘présent’.” Chimères: A Journal of French and Italian Literature 19.2 (Automne 1988): 103-17.
Department Faculty