- Ph.D. – University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of History
- M.A. – University of Wisconsin-Madison
- A.B. (Honors) Major: History, Minor: English Literature – College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts
- Professor, History Department, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, Fall 2012-present
- Associate Professor, History Department, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, Fall 2007- Fall 2012
- Assistant Professor, Fall, 2001- Fall, 2007
- Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, 2001-2002
- Lecturer, Carroll College, Spring Semester, 2001
- Faculty Enrichment Grant, Franciscan University, 2011
- Faculty Enrichment Grant, Franciscan University, 2009
- Faculty Enrichment Grant, Franciscan University, 2008
- Faculty Enrichment Grant, Franciscan University, 2005
Select Publications
“Irish America, Race, and Bernadette Devlin’s 1969 American Tour”New Hibernia Review, James S. Rogers, editorSamhradh/Summer 2010 - “THE SLUMP AND NEW FRONTIERS: IRISH-CATHOLIC MIGRATION TO INTERWAR BRITAIN”
“The Slump and New Frontiers: Irish-Catholic Migration to Interwar Britain”, Festschrift for James S. Donnelly, Michael de Nie and Sean Farrell, editors Irish Academic Press May, 2010 - “IRISH-AMERICAN NATIONALISM IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY”
“Irish-American Nationalism in the Twentieth Century”, Ireland and the Americas, Jim Byrne, Philip Coleman, and Jason King, editors March, 2008
Full List
“The New Irish”, Ireland and the Americas, Jim Byrne, Philip Coleman, and Jason King, editors March, 2008 - “JAMES ‘WHITEY’ BULGER”
“James ‘Whitey’ Bulger”, Ireland and the Americas, Jim Byrne, Philip Coleman, and Jason King, editors March, 2008 - “COLD WAR CATHOLICISM AND THE NEW MISSION OF THE ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS, 1945-1955”
“Cold War Catholicism and the New Mission of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1945-1955” Eire-Ireland Breandan MacSuibhne, editor - “IRISH CATHOLICISM AND THE SECOND WORLD WAR: STARS, STRIPES, AND SHAMROCKS”
“Irish Catholicism and the Second World War: Stars, Stripes, and Shamrocks,” U.S. Catholic Historian, Special Issue on Irish America Christopher Kaufman, editor - “ETHNIC LEGACY AND IMMIGRANT MOBILITY: THE NEW IRISH AND IRISH AMERICA IN THE 1990S”
“Ethnic Legacy and Immigrant Mobility: The New Irish and Irish America in the 1990s”, Etudes-Irlandaises, Special Issue on Irish America, Wesley Hutchinson, editor Spring, 2004 - “NEW WINE IN OLD SKINS…”
“‘New Wine in Old Skins’: New Polish and New Irish Immigration and Polish and Irish American Ethnics”, Irish and Polish Migration in Comparative Perspective, John Belchem and Klause Tenfelde, editors Klartext, 2003 - “AFTER THE FLOOD: IRISH AMERICA IN THE MID-TWENTIETH CENTURY”
[Co-editor with James S. Rogers], After the Flood: Irish America in the mid-Twentieth Century,Irish Academic Press,July, 2009
Department Faculty