Human Life Studies Minor Program Overview

Abortion for any reason, in-vitro fertilization, designer babies, genetic manipulation, high-tech pornography, human trafficking, cloning, gay marriage, transgenderism, transhumanism, population control, state-mandated immorality: There seems no end to the assault of the Culture of Death upon the Culture of Life. Once it all sounded like the stuff of dystopian science fiction. Now, it’s the morning news.

Franciscan University believes students in all disciplines need to be torch-bearers in the Church’s ongoing efforts to transform the Culture of Death into a Culture of Life. Plus, our Human Life Studies Minor is both theoretical and very practical. It is designed to give interested students a deeper understanding of the complexities that now face those attempting to transform the culture, so they will be better equipped to become effective pro-life leaders in whatever field or vocation they may enter, be it medicine, biological research, nursing, politics, the priesthood or religious life, the law, psychology, sociology, journalism, communications, business, or teaching and research in the humanities.

To that end, the Human Life Studies Minor makes it easier for students in every major to fulfill the requirements, and it includes a 1-hour Practicum, designed to help them take the next practical step in their chosen field or career after graduation.

Three of the seven required courses for the Human Life Studies Minor also satisfy Franciscan University’s Core requirements. Plus, students only have to take an additional four courses to complete the minor.

Required Courses

  • HLS 201 The Culture of Death and the Culture of Life (3 credit hours)
  • HLS 202 Life Issues, Marriage, and the Family (3 credit hours)
  • HLS 301 Life Issues and the Law (3 credit hours)
  • *BIO 110 Human Biology or BIO 203 Embryology (3 credit hours)
  • *POL 220 American National Government (3 credit hours)
  • *PHL 212 Foundations of Ethics or THE 115 Christian Moral Principles (3 credit hours)
Academic Catalog

View the Life Studies Minor Program on the Undergraduate Catalog

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Austrian Semester Abroad

Grow, develop, and be formed into a more mature student by spending a semester in Franciscan’s Austrian program. You’ll expand your major in unbelievable ways by traveling to places such as Rome and the holy sites of Christendom, and through courses taught at a 14th-century monastery that also serves as your home.

Department Faculty
Dr. Anne Hendershott

Dr. Anne Hendershott


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Dr. Caleb Henry

Professor of Political Science

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Dr. Daniel Kempton

Dr. Daniel Kempton

Professor Emeritus

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Dr. Stephen M. Krason

Department Chair

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Dr. John Pilsner

Assistant Professor

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