American Son
FUS Student Price: $8; Other Student Price: $15; Staff/Faculty Price: $20
(Kendra, a black woman and a professor of psychology, and her estranged husband Scott, a white FBI agent, come to a Miami police station at 4 a.m. because their 18-year-old-son, Jamal, is missing. All the rookie cop on duty will tell them is that Jamal has been “identified in an incident.” Hot off of its Broadway run, this highly charged drama takes a brave look at race, gender, power, and the dangerous dynamics at play when a young African-American man intersects with law enforcement.) (Rated R, for mature language and racial themes) Deadline to Purchase Tickets: Wednesday, March 4th @ 3PM
The FAS is subsidized by a generous grant from student life. The faculty supervisor is Professor John H. Walker and the student assistant is Alicia M.D Libetti, for more information about FAS events contact Alicia Libetti at [email protected], transportation to these events leaves one and a half hours prior to the event time from the Rosary Circle. All tickets are purchased via credit card at the CashNet store. You will be notified via email of ticket arrival and can retrieve them from the Egan copy center Monday-Thursday from 8-6 and Friday from 8-4:30. Any unclaimed tickets beyond the Friday deadline prior to a performance will be taken to the J.C. Williams Center switchboard for pick up.